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Nattokinase is a serine protease produced by Bacillus subtilis during the fermentation of the natto. It has the functions of dissolving thrombus, lowering blood viscosity, improving blood circulation, softening and increasing blood vessel elasticity. The effective content of nattokinase is measured by FU.

Nattokinase Thrombolytic Mechanism

Dissolve Thrombus(Especially for Obsolete Thrombosis)

1. A study on comparison of nattokinase and urokinase by SungenBio:
Conclusion: Patients with obsolete thrombosis were treated with 300FU Nattokinase in 48h experiment.The results indicated that the thrombus had completely Dissolved within 2 hours. Thrombolysis rate of anothers who were treated with 150FU Nattokinase is much higher than the same amount of urokinase.

2. Thromboelastic diagram of the effect of nattokinase on human coagulation system in vitro evaluation(2015):
Conclusion: The study compared different doses of nattokinase and reported that dissolution time decreases with the increase of dose.

3. A single-dose of oral nattokinase potentiates thrombolysis and anti-coagulation profiles(Scientific Reports 2015):
Conclusion: Increasing the content and activity of nattokinase in serum,fibrin of thrombus in the blood vessels and hemagglutination were cleavaged by plasmin after 2-8h.Antithrombotic and fibrinolytic pathways were activated to prevent thrombosis.

1.李静, 宋艳志, 王梦静,等.中国药剂学杂志:网络版, 2016(4):125-134.
2.黄俊峰, 宋洁琼, 吴威,等.中国临床医学, 2015(6):718-721.
3.Kurosawa Y, Nirengi S, Homma T, et al. Scientific Reports. 2015;5:11601. doi:10.1038/srep11601.


Nattokinase improves blood flow by inhibiting platelet aggregation and thrombus formation(2013):
Conclusion: Nattokinase significantly inhibited both the collagen- and thrombin-induced platelet aggregations,and fully prevented the occlusion.It also inhibited platelet aggregation by blocking thromboxane formation, and thereby delay thrombosis following oxidative arterial wall injury.

Source:Jang J-Y, Kim T-S, Cai J, et al. 2013;29(4):221-225. doi:10.5625/lar.2013.29.4.221.

Reduce Blood Press

1. A study "Consumption of nattokinase is associated with reduced blood pressure and von Willebrand factor, a cardiovascular risk marker: results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter North American clinical trial" in 2016 is to evaluate the effects of consumption of nattokinase on hypertension in a North American hypertensive population.
Conclusion: Nattokinase promoted blood vessel elasticity and dissolved thrombus or blood clots. Consumption of nattokinase was associated with a reduction in both systolic and diastolic BP, the effect was much more effective than the placebo.

2. Effects of Nattokinase on Blood Pressure: A Randomized, Controlled Trial(2008) :
Conclusion: Nattokinase supplementation resulted in a reduction in SBP and DBP. These findings suggest that increased intake of nattokinase may play an important role in preventing and treating hypertension.

1.Jensen G S, Lenninger M, Ero M P, et al. Integrated Blood Pressure Control, 2016, 9:95-104.
2.Ji Y K, Si N G, Paik J K, et al.Hypertension Research, 2008, 31(8):1583-1588.


Dietary supplementation with fermented soybeans suppresses intimal thickening(2003):
Conclusion: Nattokinase can effectively dissolve thrombosis, cholesterol and other substances that cause atherosclerosis, which reduces the thickening of the intima and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Source:Suzuki Y, Kondo K, Ichise H, et a1.Nutrition, 2003, 19(3):261-264.

Reduce The Risk of Stroke

Dietary soy and natto intake and cardiovascular disease mortality in Japanese adults(2017):
Conclusion: Natto intake may contribute to the reduction of stroke and ischemic heart disease mortality. Data suggest that the effect of natto on the risk of reducing Cardiovascular disease(CVD) mortality is more excellent than soybeans.

Source:Nagata C, Wada K, Tamura T, et al.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2017, 105(2).

Protect Myocardial Ischemia

Recombinant nattokinase for the dissolution of coronary thrombosis in small pigs (2016):
Concolusion: Nattokinase can reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and effectively decrease thrombus formation.

Source:李欣志, 刘建勋, 尚晓泓, 等.中国药学杂志, 2006, 41(8):589-592.

Improve Eye Microcirculation and Protect Eyesight

In 2001, Japanese research institutions confirmed that nattokinase can eliminate the risk of retinal venous thrombosis. These findings suggest that Nattokinase has a significant effect on improvement of eye microcirculation and eyesight.

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